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I want to start by saying that I used to be no green thumb, but my husband always has been. I have learned so much from him over the last few years of gardening together! The first time we had a garden together, I had no idea what I was doing. We started with a small vegetable garden, and now, we have a much larger vegetable garden, an herb garden, small planters, and indoor plants! As the years go on, I am continuously reminded of how much I have learned from gardening.
Not only have I learned several life lessons that I can take with me my whole life, but I have also learned to love and nurture plants to keep them alive and allow them to do what God intended. Plants are intented to provide for us. When I started gardening, I had the mindset of growing produce to save money. While that is nice (who doesn’t love to save money?), gardening means so much more to me now!
I am going to start by sharing a few life lessons that gardening has taught me over the years. I will also be sharing tips that I have learned that have helped my gardening experience go a little smoother and helped me have a prosperous garden every year (minus a few beautiful plants that didn’t make it due to being a brown thumb when I started). With a little hard work, you can do anything you set your mind to!
1. Patience
Have you ever heard that patience is a virtue? Well, it truly is. I think it is one that many of us have lost. In this busy world, patience can be lost very quickly. We have so many “get it now” services, and so many people have a “want it now” attitude that patience is often overlooked and lost. Trust me, I was (still am- I’m working on it) one of those people! But I am learning to embrace the virtue of patience.
A great way to work on and practice patience is by gardening. Gardening over the past few years has taught me the beauty of being patient. When growing a garden, your plants don’t produce overnight. There is no immediate gratification! The slow circles of nature are a process. There is a process that requires a lot of patience just to see one of your plants produce a vegetable!
You have to tend to it, take the necessary steps to give the garden what it needs, and take care of your garden without seeing instant results. I believe that some of the best things in life can come from being patient. Although we may “want it now,” by waiting, we may receive something even better. I think it is a very important lesson to learn to be patient in life.
Related: A Simple Gift Guide for the Gardener in Your Life
2. You Reap What You Sow
I have heard this saying throughout my life. Gardening has also given me a better understanding of this saying. Just like with our actions in life, if you make poor decisions with gardening, you will get poor results. If you take good care of your garden, giving it good soil and lots of water, weeding it, and focusing on the most important things, more than likely, your garden will produce well. If you neglect your garden, it will not produce well and could die. This made me think about how our actions in life are directly connected with the consequences.
If we make bad choices, then we will have to deal with the consequences that come along with them. The same with making good choices- we will see better results. In life, we cannot expect to continue to make bad choices and have a prosperous life. But also, we cannot expect to reap the good things out of life right away. We must be patient and wait for the good things in life, just like when gardening, we have to wait for our crops.
3. Realizing How Amazing God Is
Isn’t it amazing to see what God can do? I think it is amazing to see what can come of a little seed that is planted in the ground. I think it is amazing that God put things like that on this Earth so that we could take care of ourselves and grow our own food.
Back in the day, planting a garden from a tiny seed was one of the few ways that people could provide food for their families. It was a big deal! To me, it seems like a miracle that you can have so much produce from a seed planted in the ground! It is truly magnificent! Gardening this year really made me think of all the wonderful things God does and what He can do in our lives! Having faith in the master gardener can work wonders in your life.
Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.
Related Post: Natural Living: Uses for Lavender
4. The Garden Relies on You
In Georgia, there are many periods without rain. We go through several dry (and very hot) spells during the summer. This means your plants will suffer from not getting plenty of water if you are not there to take care of them. Your garden relies on you during these dry periods of time!
If you do not take care of your garden, there is a chance it could die. This means that the garden relies on you to produce and stay alive. There are many different periods in life where friends and family will rely on you, and you need to be there for them to help them through these trials.
There will also be many times in life when you need to rely on other people to get you through. Do not try to learn things the hard way in life, and realize that it is okay to rely on other people when you need them!
5. Thankfulness
Having my own garden has taught me to be more thankful for what we have. If, at times, our plants were not producing the way we wanted, I would get upset. But the beauty of the world we live in today is that I could go to the grocery store and still buy what I needed if my plants were unable to give it to me.
Aren’t we blessed to be able to get everything we need from a grocery store? There was a day in time when people solely relied on what their gardens produced for them and had no other option if it was a “bad year.” I realized that I should be more thankful for what we have and the conveniences that we are blessed with.
We often over look the things in our life we have to be thankful for. We don’t have to be avid gardeners to feed ourselves and family. Having a more positive outlook on life and being thankful for the little things can go a long way!
Gardening the last few years has been so much fun! I have learned so much from these life lessons to actual gardening practices that will stick with me for the rest of my life. Gardening has brought me a lot of joy and peace throughout the years, and I look forward to continuing my experience every year!
Related Post: Natural Living: My Three Favorite Ways to Use Peppermint that You Will Want to Try
Gardening Tips
Are you interested in starting your own small garden?
Check out a few of my recommended tips & products to get yourself going!
Always use a metal watering can! The plastic ones are great for a short while, but they break easily or get clogged where the water comes out. This metal watering can will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
This raised garden bed is perfect to get you started! It is super simple to put together and very easy to maintain. It is a perfect starter for your herbs and small plants. I used two of these raised garden beds to grow my garden the very first year, and now I use them for my herbs.
If you put these in a very sunny spot (like I did), make sure to keep them watered very well to see the best results.
These floral gardening sets are two of my favorites! They’re super cute, but also serve a great purpose for maintaining your small garden. You can take care of your garden and harvest your vegetables and herbs with all the proper tools!
There is an app called Picture This that my husband and I swear by! It’s an awesome app that can do several different things. It can identify plants, tell you the best way to take are of your plants, and it can help to diagnose what is wrong with them. All by just taking a picture! My husband enjoys identifying different plants in the wild, and I love to use it if my plant looks sickly to help me bring it back to life. This app will become your best friend!
What are some life lessons that gardening has taught you? What are your favorite things to plant? What are some tips you would give to first time gardeners? I would love to hear more about your garden!
Until next time,
Tiffany says
I love gardening and haven’t had one in a few years. Starting to plot one out for 2020 and remember all the things you experience besides fresh food is a great motivator – thanks for these reminders!
Catherine says
You’re welcome! Good luck with your garden next year 🙂
Sian says
I love these lessons, I have a balcony but I try to grow herbs and I once grew some sweet peppers. I was so proud when I cooked with them! It’s such a personal accomplishment!
Catherine says
Isn’t it the greatest feeling to cook with something you have grown? It’s definitely a personal accomplishment!
Laura Lee says
I love the quote! And, you had me at the first sentence. I’m a brown thumb. Everything I touch dies. I’ve literally killed succulents.
Catherine says
Oh my goodness! Succulents can live through a lot.. LOL Maybe someday you will develop a green thumb!
Rachel DeMello says
Exciting! It looks like it’s coming long great. 🙂
Paloma says
These are great lessons! I love the thankfulness one. We are so blessed and its so easy to forget.
Catherine says
This is so true! It can be easy to forget we are blessed and I love having little reminders like this!
Karla Petersen says
I would make your #4, 4a. I would add 4b. Your garden, as part of earth’s cycles will sometimes thrive and surprise you without any further input.
This comes from periods when I, as a single parent with 7 kids woefully neglect my gardens. Granted, we live in Seattle, so long, hot, dry spells are not common, but I find myself amazed at what comes to fruition amongst weeds AND what self-seeds
Lisa Manderino says
These are great lesson’s!
Catherine says
Thank you!
Cynthia says
I do just a little bit of gardening with my kids. I enjoyed reading your reflections on what you have learned from gardening. Thanks for sharing!
Melissa Parcel says
This is a beautiful post. I love when you can find life lessons in everyday things.
Catherine says
Me too. It helps me have a better outlook on life!
Stacey says
I’ve tried to garden a little, but I’m not great at it. This year, I do have flowers, and my daughter brought home a cabbage plant from school that looks lovely on our patio. I probably could use more of that patience! My husband does well at keeping things watered, though!
Catherine says
My husband has been wonderful with teaching me things this year! He has the most patience between the two of us. I wouldn’t be able to do this without him! Lol
Kendra says
I love gardening, but seem to always let the weeds get out of control. Guess what I’ll be doing tonight? LOL
Amy Irvin says
Nice, I love this post. I’ve been wanting to start a garden but am awful with plants. Great post. Maybe I can start one when I have more space for it. I currently live in a row home.
judean says
I am also not a gardener – nor a landscape artist. Patience is at the top of the list when it comes to anything ‘painful bu rewarding’ that we do. When it is all said in done, the reward is always worth it but patience is the most important! Your tomatoes look great!
Catherine says
Patience has been hard to find at some points but it has been very rewarding. Thank you!
Angela says
I have a khaki thumb – gardening I can do. Veggies survive – but man, if I plant bulbs or other flowers – one good year and then nothing! I will keep at it…
Catherine says
Don’t give up!!
Dawnmarie @ EnjoyingtheDays says
This is a beautiful list of life lessons from the garden. I enjoyed it.
Catherine says
Yes it is! 🙂
Robin says
Great post! Gardening is amazing stuff!
Catherine says
It sure is! Thank you!
Candy K says
Your garden looks beautiful! We’ve always wanted to have a small garden but haven’t had the courage to try yet. Lol!
Catherine says
Well I encourage you to try it! Start small and see how it goes 🙂
Lina Thao says
These are great lessons learned from gardening. I wish I had a green thumb.
Jami says
Isn’t it great that you can learn life lessons from just about anything!
Tiffany says
Valuable lessons for sure! I especially think that patience and reaping what you so are priceless lessons.
Suzan says
Great lessons! As a gardener of over 20 years…patience & persistence, hardwork & tenacity are all it takes LOL.
Jennifer Morrison says
Very true points!! Especially that you reap what you sow! I am trying to build a layered garden so that it will be easier, but what you put in to it, is what you get out of it.
Christina Furnival Real Life Mama says
Great post! Maybe this black thumb will try again one of these days!
Alexandra says
Thank you for sharing! I should try gardening to learn patience! hahaha
Heather says
This is a wonderful post! I absolutely love gardening and it’s so true that you can learn some great life lessons from your garden!
Amy says
I love how you mention the section about God. He has given us all the tools to be self sustaining and to always have the ability to feed ourselves. Gardening is an art and I feel it’s making a big comeback as silly as that sounds! Tried making one in my yard, but my dogs dug it up and thought it was their personal playground 🙁
Catherine says
Oh no! Maybe you could try again and put a small fence around it!
Annette Durbin says
Great lessons learned – shared! I love gardening, but didn’t get mine put in this year. Next year.
T.M. Brown says
Could not agree more ~ such great lessons to learn. God isn’t crazy when he designed certain things to be the way they are. Funny thing is that natural things take time to grow, develop, mature and fulfill their purpose. Man-made things are designed for quick fixes, instant gratification and the like. Funny how that works…..Great post! Thanks for sharing!
Monica says
Your garden is beautiful. My husband tends to our garden and he finds it relaxing. The fresh fruit and vegetable doesn’t compare with store bought and that’s a good thing lol
Julie Gazdecki says
Pretty amazing how nature can have such an impact on our health. Lots to be learned from gardening, and plant life.
Catherine says
I agree! Nature has a huge impact on our health. A positive one 🙂
Lisa, Casey, Barrett Dog says
The garden is gorgeous! Love the life lessons that can be followed!
Catherine says
Thank you!