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Spring is fast approaching with warmer weather, flowers, and sunshine! A new season always gets me excited for what’s to come. I am always looking for simple activities to enjoy the different seasons.
Spring is the perfect time for outdoor activities and enjoying the warmer weather. Although we cannot always make it outside, there are plenty of fun spring activities indoors as well.
Either way, let’s celebrate the spring season with some fun!
101 Simple Activities for Enjoying the Spring Season
Here are 101 simple activities for enjoying the spring season by yourself, with your partner, or with your children!
1. Create a Bucket List
Creating a bucket list is always a great idea at the beginning of a season. You can write down all the fun things you want to do for the season!
2. Go Somewhere for Spring Break
Do your kids have a spring break coming up? Plan a trip for the family! It can be a weekend getaway or a trip for the whole week. Pick a place your family has always wanted to go.
3. Start a Garden
Starting a garden is a great way to kick off the spring season! It’s one of my favorite things to do.
4. Plant Some Flowers
Bring some color to your porch or yard by planting some beautiful flowers!
5. Go for a Hike
The cool spring weather is the perfect time to go for a hike. See all the trees, flowers, and colors coming to life during this time of year. It’s beautiful!
6. Go to a Farmer’s Market
An easy way to get fresh fruit and vegetables is by visiting a farmer’s market. Support local farmers by shopping here as well!
7. Do Spring Crafts
Do some spring crafts with your children like making flowers or drawing spring pictures. You can find some craft ideas here!
8. Visit a Butterfly Garden
A butterfly garden can be a fun experience for kids of all ages.
9. Make an At-Home Obstacle Course
How fun would this be! Make an at-home obstacle course for your children to try and complete. Time them to make it more fun!
10. Fill a Bird Feeder with Bird Seed
I have several bird feeders around my yard that bring me so much joy to maintain. I love watching the birds that come to eat.
11. Make Hummingbird Food
During the spring months, the hummingbirds migrate up north. Make some food that is healthy for them and put it outside in a feeder.
12. Visit a State Park or National Park
Spending a day at a state or national park is always fun.
13. Do Some Spring Cleaning
I’m sure your home needs some spring cleaning as bad as mine! Take some time to go through and clean your home to kick off the spring season!
14. Celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day falls during spring. It is the perfect time to celebrate it! The Earth is coming to life again. Do a fun Earth Day activity to celebrate
15. Spend Time with the Whole Family on Easter
Spend time with your family eating a big meal, hunting Easter eggs, and celebrating the true reason for Easter.
16. Go on a PIcnic
A picnic can be a great opportunity to spend quality time with your partner or children.
17. Go for a Bike Ride
Spring is a great time for a bike ride! The weather is amazing and you won’t get too hot.
18. Go to a Local Park and Play
Take your young children to the park and play or go for a walk.
19. Take Your Dog for a Walk
Go for a walk around your neighborhood or take your dog to the park.
20. Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt
A nature scavenger hunt is so much fun! Make a list of things to find in nature and go on a hunt with your children.
21. Grab a Hula Hoop and Get Outside
I love to use my weighted hula hoop to get some exercise. Whether you use a regular hula hoop or a weighted one, it can be fun to play!
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22. Blow Bubbles
Blowing bubbles outside is always a good time. My dog loves to chase the bubbles!
23. Go to an Outdoor Concert
Spring is the perfect time to go to an outdoor concert with the milder temperatures.
24. Find a Festival to Attend
There are many fun festivals to attend year-round!
25. Attend a Baseball Game
Baseball season starts at the end of March. Attend a baseball game and root for your favorite team!
26. Make a Fairy Garden
Fairy gardens are so beautiful and magical!
27. Go to the Local Library
Find a few books to read. The library is filled with gold!
28. Go on a Road Trip
A road trip is always a fun idea!
29. Do Some Birdwatching
Birdwatching is so peaceful. Grab some binoculars and have fun watching them eat, fly, and sing.
30. Take Pictures and Capture Spring COlors
Spring colors are all around us! Take pictures of some beautiful flowers or insects.
31. Find a Flower Festival to Attend
Flower festivals are so fun! They will usually let you take pictures in the fields and pick some!
32. Go on a Camping Trip
Do you like camping? Try it with the kids in the backyard, or if you’re brave enough, take them to the woods.
33. Enjoy the Bright Colors of Spring
Pull out all of your favorite bright-colored shirts!
34. Make Some Yummy Iced Tea
I love to infuse my tea this time of year. Find a yummy tea recipe and try something new.
35. Build Something with Playdough
Work on some fine motor skills while having a blast building with playdough.
36. Visit a Petting Zoo
A petting zoo is exciting because your kids can touch the furry animals they love.
37. Visit the Zoo
The zoo is always fun. I love getting to see animals from all over the world!
38. GO to the Aquarium
The aquarium is my favorite. I love to see the colorful fish and the dolphin show is amazing!
39. Fly Kites
Flying kites is one of the best spring activities. The windy spring days make this a fun activity!
40. Play with Chalk
Decorate the driveway with some chalk portraits!
41. Visit a Botanical Garden
I have always wanted to visit the Atlanta Botanical Garden. It looks gorgeous!
42. Watch a Movie
Pick out a new movie or your favorite and enjoy some chill time.
43. Listen to Your Favorite Music
Music can cure anything!
44. Read a Book
Sit outside on the front porch and enjoy some peace while reading.
45. Watch the Rain on a Rainy Day
It’s one of my favorite activities when the weather starts to get warmer!
46. Visit a Winery or Brewery
Spring is the perfect time to enjoy visiting a winery or brewery while sitting outside in the spring breeze!
47. Do an Outdoor Workout
Doing a workout outdoors is always better.
48. Try a New Spring Recipe
Celebrate the newness of Spring by trying a new recipe.
49. Buy an Indoor Plant
An indoor plant is a great thing to invest in! They help clean the air and make your space more beautiful.
50. Go on a Nature Walk with Your Kids
Get your kids outside and go on a fun nature walk.
51. Have an Indoor Spa Day
We can’t always go to the spa, but we can have a spa day at home!
52. Play Board Games
Board games are always fun to play with the family.
53. Do a Puzzle
Do you like a challenge? Try putting a puzzle together.
54. Do Some Yoga or In-Home Workout
Yoga can be a great way to start the day.
55. Make Mud Pies
After a rainy day, make mud pies with your children!
56. Pick Fresh Flowers
Picking fresh wildflowers to make a bouquet will brighten up your day and your home.
57. Enjoy a Quiet Morning on the Porch
Sitting on the porch listening to the birds, breeze, and other wildlife is so peaceful.
58. Swap Out Your Closet
I always swap out my closet for the seasons. It’s time to move out the sweaters and move in some warm weather clothes.
59. Go to Story Time at the Library
Take your kids to have some fun at story time at the library!
60. Have Family Photos Made
Figure out some color-coordinated outfits and have some family photos done.
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61. Go for a Run
Get your adrenaline pumping with a good run.
62. See the Cherry Blossoms
The cherry blossoms are beautiful in parts of the country during this time of year.
63. Visit an Outdoor Restaurant or Cafe
I love sitting outside enjoying my lunch or a coffee!
64. Go Horseback Riding
How amazing would it be to go horseback riding in this weather?
65. Bake Cupcakes with a Spring Theme
Bright colors and floral themes are the way to go!
66. Pick Strawberries
Strawberry season starts in April. It is one of my favorite seasons of the year! I love to make fresh strawberry pie, and jam, and eat them fresh!
67. Make a Bird Feeder
Put a bird feeder together, paint it, and then find somewhere special for it to go.
68. Play Mini Golf
Challenge your family or some friends to a round of mini golf!
69. Pick Dandelions
There are so many dandelions! Pick some and make some jelly or dry them out to use in tea.
70. Paint Rocks
Go out and hunt for some rocks to paint and leave around town to brighten someone’s day.
71. Open the Windows
Open the windows and enjoy the soft, spring breeze.
72. Paint Your Nails
Paint your fingers and toes with a pretty spring color.
73. Add Spring Decor to Your Home
It is always fun to decorate your home for the seasons and holidays.
74. Lay in a Hammock
It’s such a peaceful way to spend an afternoon.
75. Watch the Sunset
Spend an evening watching God’s amazing work in the sky.
76. Go Shopping for New Clothes
Get some new clothes for the new season!
77. Eat Fresh Fruit
Nothing beats eating fresh fruit on a warm, sunny spring day.
78. Make a Fruit Salad
Make a fresh fruit salad for lunch! Try making some homemade fruit dressing to go with it.
79. Plant a Fruit Tree or a Bush
We have planted several fruit trees and Japanese Maple trees in our yard. They are so beautiful!
80. Try a New Hairstyle
A new season calls for a new hairstyle.
81. Have Pictures Made with the Easter Bunny
Visiting the Easter Bunny is so much fun! Get some pictures made with the whole family.
82. Go to Some Yard Sales or an Estate Sale
I love seeing what deals I can get at yard sales or estate sales! There is always a treasure to be found.
83. Go to a Drive-In Movie
The weather is perfect for a drive-in movie.
84. Go Bowling
We love to have a little competition with bowling! It can be a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy.
85. Draw or Paint a Picture
If you love to draw or paint, take some time to draw or paint spring coming to life outside.
86. Find Shapes in the Clouds
Grab a blanket and lay in the grass to find shapes in the passing clouds.
87. Buy Some New Garden Supplies
Treat yourself to some new gardening supplies to help with the upcoming garden season!
88. Send Spring Postcards
I love sending cards to people in my life. If you feel the same, break out the spring postcards or have your kids draw some spring pictures to send.
89. Buy a New Windchime
You can never have too many windchimes.
90. Wash Your Car
The warmer weather means that it’s time to wash your car! Show it some much-needed TLC.
91. Pull a Prank on Someone
Don’t be mean, but have a little fun with a small prank on April Fool’s Day!
92. Go for a Ride With the Windows Down
The best way to spend a warm evening during the spring is to ride around with the windows down and listen to your favorite music.
93. Start Planning a Summer Vacation
It’s best to plan a summer vacation early. Start deciding where you want to travel this summer!
94. Go to the Lake
If you enjoy being at the lake, spend some time having fun with friends and family.
95. Go Kayaking
Try kayaking! It’s perfect for springtime.
96. Go Stargazing
Find a good place to go stargazing at night.
97. Have a Cookout
This is the perfect weather to have a cookout with some family and friends.
98. Go Geocaching
Geocaching is a fun way to get outside and have fun! There are geocaching groups you can join to go with.
99. Do Yard Work
Get your yard cleaned up from winter storms and leaves falling.
100. Look for a Rainbow
Get outside after a spring shower and look for a rainbow in the sky!
101. Bake a Strawberry Pie
If you pick fresh strawberries, a pie is the perfect thing to make!
Want to make the ultimate spring bucket list?
Grab your free printable bucket list to create the best spring season yet!
I hope this list of spring activities will have your spring filled with fun activities daily!
Are there other spring activities you enjoy doing? I would love to hear about them!
Until next time,
I went Geocashing with a friend recently — it was my first time. It is a wonderful way to get out of your car and explore a new-to you area. A perfect activity to enjoy the spring season.
Yes! It’s a lot of fun to go exploring by geocaching. It’s a great activity for a beautiful spring day!
Another thing I love that is on your for enjoying the spring season is open the car window. I just opened up my sun roof this week — it was glorious.
Yes! I love opening the windows and sun roof and enjoying the breeze! It’s so nice to be able to do that. In Georgia, we have to soak up all the spring we can because it doesn’t last long.
This is an epic list of simple spring activities! With more than 100 to choose from, you can experience a huge variety of small moments of joy.
Thank you! The small moments of joy are the best 🙂