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A little more about my journey…
For the last several years, I have struggled with contentment. Finding joy and happiness seemed to be a difficult task for me. I would often feel the void with shopping and a busy schedule (I wouldn’t have much time to think about it, right?). My lowest point, when I was struggling with being content and finding joy, was probably this last year (2018). Although in the last year, I finally found a new job- to replace the worst first “big girl” job I could have ever imagined having- I still found things to complain about and was still not content with my life.
I would constantly compare myself to others and put myself down for not being as far in my career as them. Matters continued to get worse the closer I got to my college graduation. Graduation was a day I had looked forward to for so long, and I was so ready to be done with school (Five years is a long time!)- But there was that dreaded question everyone was asking me. What are you going to do now that you are graduated?
The reason I dreaded this question was because I simply did. not. know what I was going to do when I graduated. I had no idea what I was going to use my degree for, and people just expected me to up and leave my current job for something better. But what if I didn’t want to do that right now? What if I didn’t know what I wanted to do? This answer didn’t seem satisfactory. I constantly struggled with “what I was going to do” so much that at one point, I let it completely consume me. I worried about it. I cried about it. I prayed about it. I researched different ideas. It was all I thought about. I simply did not know what I wanted to do- but I got so caught up in finding the answer that I let it affect me in ways that some people will never know about.
Once I finally graduated college, with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, I was so drained with “trying to figure out my life,” working all the time and being so busy, I decided something needed to change. I thought if I could find myself again then maybe I could find what I was meant to do with my life.
This is what brought me to my expedition, to find a more simple lifestyle. I wanted to feel like my life had a purpose. I wanted to feel like I was living with intention. I wanted to live in the present and enjoy my life. I was tired of feeling like I had to live up to everyone else’s standards. I wanted to do something for myself.

On my blog you will find posts about things that I have implemented into my life to help find simplicity. I love the way the French live. The French work to live, not live to work. They don’t let work and daily activities consume their life. I will share Frenchy things with you because I love their culture and mindset. I hope you find everything you are needing to enjoy a more simple lifestyle, and I hope you will join this expedition with me!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions, stories of overcoming obstacles of your own, and things you would like to see me blog about! Hope to hear from you soon!
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Until next time. Much love!
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